About Us


The  STELLA DEL MATTINO is a non-profit, non-party and non-governmental organization, headquartered in Italy. The mission is to defend and advance human rights and freedom of religion, and promote the freedom of each individual, without distinction of race, language, religion, national origin, or political opinion.

Our Mission:

The aims of the STELLA DEL MATTINO are as follows:

  1. Defend and promote human rights in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations (UDHR), other international conventions and Article 2 of the Constitution of the Italian Republic.
  2. Defend and promote each person’s right to freedom of religion in accordance with Article 18 of the UDHR, which provides that everyone shall have the right to freedom of thought and religion, and that the spiritual beliefs of others ought to be respected.
  3. Defend and promote the right of all individuals, regardless of nationality or place of residence, to not be persecuted or discriminated against on the grounds of spiritual or religious belief in accordance with the UDHR and Article 19 of the Constitution of the Italian Republic.
  4. Under full compliance with the law, defend and promote the right of all individuals to exercise freedom of religion and faith anywhere in the world, and, with due respect to the diversity of religion and thought and in compliance with international law, defend and promote the right of each individual to share their faith with others.
  5. Promote unity and mutual respect between different religious denominations and between different organizations around the world, regardless of nationality, country, religion or belief.

What We Do:

To achieve the above aims, the STELLA DEL MATTINO carries out the following activities:

  1. Disseminate and promote the documents and videos through the activities, publications and communication tools so as to spread and bear witness to God’s words;
  2. Testify the development of the Christians of our association and our cultural activities in Italy as a bearer of the message of peace and justice for the whole society;
  3. Provide spiritual, intellectual and material help for those in need for the sake of a better relationship with the churches and neighbors;
  4. Collaborate and associate with other associations and similar organizations;
  5. Support the cause of justice, peace and welfare of humanity at every opportunity and with all capacity;
  6. Support and promote the establishment of branch associations;
  7. Fundraise for specific programmes. In order to fulfill the mission of the association, all the suitable modalities in accordance with the current applicable laws may be used with complete autonomy and in the interest of the above aims. All the activities that do not conform to the social norms are expressly prohibited.

The STELLA DEL MATTINO reserves the right to interpret all the above terms. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us in the following ways:

Contact Us:


  • Phone: 1-845-873-6860
  • Email:
  • msait.org@gmail.com
  • sdmattino1991@pec.it
  • stelladelmattinomi@gmail.com
  • Address:Via Angelo Brunetti 8, 20156 Milano MI

United States

  • Phone:1-845-873-6860
  • Project Email:
  • Russian: sdmustrru@gmail.com
  •  Arabic: sdmarabic@gmail.com
  •  Polish: sdm.it.translation@gmail.com
  •  Vietnamese: stelladelmattino523@gmail.com