African Students Excluded from China’s Churches

21 / 10 / 2019


African students studying in China
African students studying in China (Photo from the Internet)

10/20/2019 Africa (International Christian Concern) – African international students are being denied and excluded from worshipping in China’s Christian churches, reportedly to “prevent foreign infiltration through religion”.

A group of 80 African students in Liaoning province were driven from their church in September after the church leader was questioned about international activity by Chinese officials. While searching for a new place to worship, they were turned down from several other churches of the same branch.

In another instance 40 African students were threatened by government officials while attending school in Hubei province. At a school in Jingxi province, one school has already expelled and deported an African student for sharing the Gospel with their Chinese classmates.

China’s laws mandate that even foreigners are prohibited from proselytizing. Though many Chinese Christians are aware of the strict religious limitations they face, many of the African students are “unaware that they are being monitored” according to the school administrator in Jingxi. Because the majority of African countries experience persecution from radical groups, government interference in religious life is an unknown and unwelcome part of their life in China.

Source: ICC

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