Fabricating false news and spreading rumors is one of the go-to tools the CCP uses to crack down on countries, organizations and individuals as hostil...

Twitter Announces Labels for State-Controlled Media
The new label will apply exclusively to “outlets where the state exercises control over editorial content through financial resources, direct or i...

Propaganda Through ‘Positive Energy’
Reporting only “good news” about the negative has become the CCP’s go-to tool to hide the truth and falsify reality. Be it natural disasters or corona

Inside the Shenzhen Family Suicide (II): Political Driving Force Behind Fake Case
The second in a series of three articles about an incident used by CCP propaganda to justify its persecution of The Church of Almighty God. by Li Bei

Inside the Shenzhen Family Suicide (I): Fake News with Countless Holes
The first in a series of three articles about an incident used by CCP propaganda to justify its persecution of The Church of Almighty God. By Li Bei