Canada suspended its extradition treaty with Hong Kong Friday after local authorities moved swiftly to implement China’s new security law in the territory.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said his country is a firm believer in the principle of one country, two systems for Hong Kong and will support the demands of its people for freedom and democracy.
“Canada joins the international community in expressing its grave concern with the passage of national security legislation for Hong Kong by mainland China…,” said Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada. “We will continue to support the many connections between Canada and Hong Kong while also standing up for its people. In the days and weeks to come. We’re also looking at additional measures, including around immigration.”
“Canada will treat exports of sensitive goods to Hong Kong in the same way as those destined for mainland China,” Trudeau said, adding that “effective immediately Canada will not permit the export of sensitive military items to Hong Kong.”
China unilaterally passed the legislation that took effect Tuesday ignoring Hong Kong’s Legislative Council and consultations with the public.
“We are extremely concerned about the situation in Hong Kong,” said Trudeau. “We will continue to look at responses, working closely with our allies, including our… allies who have made very strong statements in regards to the decision by the Chinese government to move forward and weaken the one country two systems principle that is so important not just to us, but to the 300,000 Canadians who live in Hong Kong and to the millions of people who live in Hong Kong.”
Under Beijing’s direction Wednesday, Hong Kong police arrested about 370 people, ten of them on suspicion of directly violating the law, while thousands took to the streets in protest.
China’s security law punishes secessionist movements, subversive or terrorist acts, and what it interprets as collusion with foreign forces intervening in the city’s affairs.
Source: VOA