Christians in Guangdong Indicted for Printing Children’s Bibles

09 / 04 / 2020

04/08/2020 China (International Christian Concern) – Two Christians in Guangdong were arrested at the end of last year for printing children’s Bibles. Now they face charges and imprisonment.

According to China Aid, since March 2018, Liang Rurui and Zhu Guoqing in Guangdong province have been printing children’s Bibles at the request of a Christian with the surname Tang. They have handed 7000 copies of children’s Bibles to Tang.

On November 22, 2019, the local authorities in Zhongshan city inspected their printing plant and confiscated 8,176 printed books. Soon, Liang Ruiru was arrested by the police. A day later, Liang was criminally detained and bailed out on the same day, while Zhu Guoqing was arrested, criminally detained, and formally arrested on Christmas.

On March 24, First City District People’s Procuratorate in Zhongshan city officially indicted Liang and Zhu, accusing them of violating the country’s regulations and damaging the market’s order with their illegal operation. They should be criminally charged with illegal business operation. The suggested sentence for Liang is imprisonment from two years and eight months up to three years two months. A fine of approximately 2,830 USD to 4240 USD was also recommended.

Zhu is likely to receive similar sentence recommendation from the Procuratorate.

Source: ICC

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