Under CCP’s “transformation” program, CAG members are abused and tortured, until they sign the “three statements,” promising to give up their belief.

Cui Yuhua, female, born in 1971, a resident in Yinliu village in Yucheng town in Boshan district of Zibo city in the eastern province of Shandong,...

Li An (pseudonym), male, born in 1966, from the eastern province of Jiangsu, is a Christian of The Church of Almighty God (CAG). On April 20, 2020...

The believers were sentenced to years in prison merely for practicing their faith. One of them was just 19. by Deng Jie Between June and S

Over 300 believers were arrested in October and November, as local authorities launched new crackdown campaigns against this Chinese Christian new rel

Members of banned religious groups are often detained in transformation through education camps. Three Church of Almighty God believers tell their sto

Believers were arrested in several provinces from June to October after prolonged surveillance and pursuing tip-offs from residents. by Lu An Foll

A former inmate and a Church of Almighty God member reveal details of mistreatment and torture prevalent in China’s prisons to “transform” people of f

When members of The Church of Almighty God are detained for practicing their faith in China, they are subjected to various forms of physical and menta

After being arrested by the CCP police for their faith, members of The Church of Almighty God (CAG) are mostly subjected to torture during interroga...

Three members of this banned religious group in China share their horrifying experiences of torture after being arrested for their faith. by Deng Cha

Father Liu Maochun from the Diocese of Mindong, who refuses to join the Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association, was arrested and deprived of sleep to

Civil servants serving in government institutions for decades have been arrested for their religious belief, not only removed from office but also...

Teenage members of The Church of Almighty God are given hefty sentences, tortured and indoctrinated, and deprived of visitation rights when in detenti

Concerns are growing over the fate of human rights lawyer Ding Jiaxi, with his wife raising concerns that he may have been tortured during his tim...

Members of The Church of Almighty God share their experience manufacturing goods for foreign companies while serving time in prison for their faith.

A member of The Church of Almighty God recounts three years and six months in detention where he was forced to eat cockroaches and banned from the toi

In China, dissidents and members of banned religious groups are often subjected to torture while in detention. Two believers share their stories. by

Liu Jun (alias), male, born in 1998, a resident of Jiangxi Province, joined The Church of Almighty God (CAG) in 2015. He was always a mature, obedient...

The world remembers refugees. Do not forget the asylum seekers who were persecuted and tortured in China for their faith. by Rosita Šorytė Int